Katrina Smith Korfmacher, PhD

Katrina Smith Korfmacher, PhD is Professor of Environmental Medicine and Director of Community Engagement for the Environmental Health Sciences Center (EHSC) and the Institute for Human Health and the Environment at the University of Rochester.  She holds a MS in Water Quality Management and PhD in Environmental Studies from Duke University’s Nicholas School of the Environment. As a policy scientist, her research focuses on the roles of science and communities in decision-making.

Dr. Korfmacher has worked with community partnerships and national groups related to childhood lead poisoning prevention, healthy homes, air quality, built environment, fracking, water pollution, and other environmental justice issues for over twenty years. She has served on numerous local and state advisory boards, including the National Advisory Environmental Health Sciences Council. She is author of Bridging Silos: Collaborating for Environmental Health and Justice in Urban Communities (MIT Press 2019).

Bobbi Wilding, MS

Executive Director of Clean and Healthy New York

Bobbi leads the Getting Ready for Baby coalition, trains child care providers to avoid chemicals of concern, and tests products for such chemicals. Her background in Ecological Economics, Values and Policy lends itself strongly to engaging in CHNY's market-based campaigns.


Maida Galvez, MD, MPH


Molly Jacobs, MPH