Clean+Healthy in the News

Bobbi Wilding, MS Bobbi Wilding, MS

City & State’s 2022 Energy & Environment Power 100

“Bobbi Wilding has a hawk’s eye for spotting toxic chemicals in consumer products like mattresses, cleaning agents, outdoor apparel and gear, and even children’s furniture and toys. She also has state officials’ ears: Gov. Kathy Hochul in early January signed bills banning products with flame retardant chemicals in furniture, laptops and TVs, and state Attorney General Letitia James demanded baby food companies stop advertising that their goods were free of heavy metals despite tests revealing lead, cadmium and arsenic.”

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Bobbi Wilding, MS Bobbi Wilding, MS

AG James calls out companies for heavy metals

“No one likes to be misled. Parents need to know that information about products - especially food - that companies provide is accurate, so they can make the best choices for their family,” said Bobbi Wilding, executive director, Clean and Healthy New York and director, national Getting Ready for Baby campaign.” False advertising and greenwashing - claiming things are safer or healthier than they are - hurts everyone…”

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