New York DEC expands list of toxic chemicals in toys

Reprinted from Spectrum News1


PUBLISHED 7:40 PM ET FEB. 17, 2023

Earlier this week, the New York state Department of Environmental Conservation added hundreds of toxic chemicals to a list of chemical hazards that may be found in toys.  

Additionally, the DEC will be requiring a deeper transparency from manufacturers. New York will soon require that manufactures share the chemicals in toys at the level of the “UPC code," which means you could know what toxic chemicals are in the exact item you’re shopping for.

“This will actually give parents the information that they need when they’re shopping,” said Bobbi Wilding, executive director of Clean + Healthy. 

According to Wilding, this is a long-awaited step in implementing the New York State Toxic Chemicals in Children’s Products Law, which was passed in 2020. One the DEC finalizes the regulations, the law will provide significantly more information to parents than any other state.

The public comment period on the chemicals is open until March 20.

Bobbi Wilding, MS

Executive Director of Clean and Healthy New York

Bobbi leads the Getting Ready for Baby coalition, trains child care providers to avoid chemicals of concern, and tests products for such chemicals. Her background in Ecological Economics, Values and Policy lends itself strongly to engaging in CHNY's market-based campaigns.

New York State Policy Progress


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